Inserting, Updating and Deleting Data

Django had it in 2008
- From Drizzles official page

Inserting Data

Inserting data generally looks like this:

await db.insert(table).values(values);

Here is how you would insert a row into taskTable:

await db.insert(taskTable).values({
  title: 'Read the Next.js book',
  description: 'Read and understand the Next.js book.',
  status: 'inprogress',
  duration: 60,

You can insert a row and get it back:

const row = await db
    name: 'Example project',

This would return something like:

[ { id: 3, name: 'Example project' } ]

The returning function is mostly useful if you want to get the ID of the inserted row.

You can insert multiple rows by providing an array of objects:

await db.insert(taskTable).values([
    title: 'Read the Next.js book',
    description: 'Read and understand the Next.js book.',
    status: 'inprogress',
    duration: 5000,
    title: 'Write a task app',
    description: 'Write an awesome task app.',
    status: 'todo',
    duration: 120,
    title: 'Think of a funny joke',
    description: 'Come up with a funny joke to lighten the mood.',
    status: 'inprogress',
    duration: 5,

Updating Data

Updating data generally looks like this:

await db.update(table).set(object).where(condition);

For example, let's say that wanted to set status of the task with the ID 1 to 'done':

await db.update(taskTable).set({ status: 'done' }).where(eq(, 1));

Deleting Data

Updating data generally looks like this:

await db.delete(table).where(condition);

For example, here is how you could delete all the completed tasks:

await db.delete(taskTable).where(eq(taskTable.status, 'done'));