
Loved it the very moment I used it.
— Gilbert Rabut Tsurwa

Template Columns

Grids allow you to specify two-dimensional layouts.

You can use the grid and grid-cols-{n} utilities to create a simple grid with a certain number of columns.

Consider the following example:

export default function Home() {
  return (
    <div className="grid grid-cols-2 size-64">
      <div className="border-2 border-blue-500">Row 1, Col 1</div>
      <div className="border-2 border-blue-500">Row 1, Col 2</div>
      <div className="border-2 border-blue-500">Row 2, Col 1</div>
      <div className="border-2 border-blue-500">Row 2, Col 2</div>
      <div className="border-2 border-blue-500">Row 3, Col 1</div>
      <div className="border-2 border-blue-500">Row 3, Col 2</div>

You can use the col-span-{n} utilities to make an element span multiple columns.

Consider the following example:

export default function Home() {
  return (
    <div className="grid grid-cols-3 size-96">
      <div className="border-2 border-blue-500">Row 1, Col 1</div>
      <div className="border-2 border-blue-500">Row 1, Col 2</div>
      <div className="border-2 border-blue-500">Row 1, Col 3</div>
      <div className="border-2 border-blue-500 col-span-2">Row 2, Col 1+2</div>
      <div className="border-2 border-blue-500">Row 2, Col 3</div>

You can use the col-start-{n} and col-end-{n} to start and end an element at the nth grid line, respectively.

There are two important caveats here: First, grid lines start at 1, not at 0. Second, the numbers indicate grid lines.

This means that if you want an element to span columns 2 and 3 in a grid, you need to start at grid line 2 and end at grid line 4:

export default function Home() {
  return (
    <div className="grid grid-cols-3 size-96">
      <div className="border-2 border-blue-500">Row 1, Col 1</div>
      <div className="border-2 border-blue-500">Row 1, Col 2</div>
      <div className="border-2 border-blue-500">Row 1, Col 3</div>
      <div className="border-2 border-blue-500 col-start-2 col-end-4">Row 2, Col 2+3</div>

Template Rows

You can use the grid, grid-flow-col and grid-rows-{n} utilities to create a simple grid with a certain number of rows.

Consider the following example:

export default function Home() {
  return (
    <div className="grid grid-flow-col grid-rows-2 size-64">
      <div className="border-2 border-blue-500">Row 1, Col 1</div>
      <div className="border-2 border-blue-500">Row 2, Col 1</div>
      <div className="border-2 border-blue-500">Row 1, Col 2</div>
      <div className="border-2 border-blue-500">Row 2, Col 2</div>
      <div className="border-2 border-blue-500">Row 1, Col 3</div>
      <div className="border-2 border-blue-500">Row 2, Col 3</div>

You can use the row-span-{n} utilities to make an element span multiple rows.

Consider the following example:

export default function Home() {
  return (
    <div className="grid grid-flow-col grid-rows-3 size-64">
      <div className="border-2 border-blue-500">Row 1, Col 1</div>
      <div className="border-2 border-blue-500">Row 2, Col 1</div>
      <div className="border-2 border-blue-500">Row 3, Col 1</div>
      <div className="border-2 border-blue-500 row-span-2">Row 1+2, Col 2</div>
      <div className="border-2 border-blue-500">Row 3, Col 2</div>

You can use the row-start-{n} and row-end-{n} to start and end an element at the nth grid line, respectively:

export default function Home() {
  return (
    <div className="grid grid-flow-col grid-rows-3 size-64">
      <div className="border-2 border-blue-500">Row 1, Col 1</div>
      <div className="border-2 border-blue-500">Row 2, Col 1</div>
      <div className="border-2 border-blue-500">Row 3, Col 1</div>
      <div className="border-2 border-blue-500 row-start-2 row-end-4">Row 2+3, Col 2</div>


You can use gap-{size} utilities to control the gaps between rows and columns.

Consider the following example:

export default function Home() {
  return (
    <div className="grid grid-cols-2 gap-4 size-64">
      <div className="border-2 border-blue-500">Row 1, Col 1</div>
      <div className="border-2 border-blue-500">Row 1, Col 2</div>
      <div className="border-2 border-blue-500">Row 2, Col 1</div>
      <div className="border-2 border-blue-500">Row 2, Col 2</div>
      <div className="border-2 border-blue-500">Row 3, Col 1</div>
      <div className="border-2 border-blue-500">Row 3, Col 2</div>

You can use the gap-x-{size} and gap-y-{size} utilities if you need to change the gaps between rows or columns.